
Your Custom Highlight Guide

Spring is here - and Summer is on its way, and if you are like us - you are really looking forward to a change this year. One of the best ways to change up your hair color is to invest in highlights. Think about it: you don’t have to deal with the commitment that comes with a full head of new, permanent color; and the maintenance can be so much easier. There is no better way to get a lived-in, sun-kissed look!

Of course, highlights can be executed in a myriad of ways, and if you’ve done any research or scanned Instagram looking for inspiration pictures, you’ve probably seen the phrases “foil highlights, balayage, foilayage, ombré and hand painted." With so many types of highlights out there - its impossible to figure them out on your own.

Our team at Blondie Salon and Spa want to take the guesswork out of your next highlight appointment, while customizing a look that may require several different techniques. Custom highlights are our specialty here at Blondie, and we offer a beautiful experience that will allow you and your stylist to collaborate on the perfect look!

For those of you who want every day to be a good hair day, we also offer custom FUSIO doses and custom glosses/toner appointments, so you can keep your highlights looking fresh!